27 February, 2004

螯合療法 Chelation Therapy

Today's newspaper have an article on the death of a patient related to the professional misconduct of a doctor. The headlines are

雙氧水靜脈注射 延誤送院病人不治

The Sun
療程不當 兩阻送院 病人死亡

The report mentioned 螯合療法 (Chelation Therapy) and injection of 雙氧水 (Hydrogen Peroxide).

From the information I collected from the web, I've found that Chelation Therapy and Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy are two different things. Chelation Therapy inject a chemical called EDTA into the blood stream to remove metals from your blood. Supporters claim that it can cure heart disease that are caused by hardening of the arteries and also other diseases due to "metal poisoning". Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy uses Hydrogen Peroxide and supporters say it can cure everything from cancer to AIDS.

However, none of these treatment are proven scientifically. My common sense tells me when someone promises a "miracle cure", we have to be extremely careful.

Let's see what the American Heart Association say about Chelation Theray:
see the section on
Can chelation therapy be dangerous?

AHA also said
We found no scientific evidence to demonstrate any benefit from this form of therapy.

However, because Chelation Therapy is becoming common in the US, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that they have launched a study to see if there is any real benefit of this therapy.

26 February, 2004

Blogging in Chinese

Just to see what would happen if I use Chinese characters.

Blogging 在華人社會似乎沒有西方的流行. 有的把 BLOG 譯作 「部落格」,有的譯作「網誌」。最初的 blogging 是把網上留意到的網上資訊的連結 (hyperlink),和 blogger 自己對該些網站的意見以按時的方式滙集,用以和朋友分享或作日後自己參巧之用。但現在很多人已把 blogging 等同網上的日誌 (diaries),或一個發表個人意見的工具 (personal publishing)。

有關 blogging 的緣起,可參巧

Ask Yahoo! What are blogs, and how did they become so popular?

journal vs. weblog

My first post in Blogger.com

I am lucky to be able to create an account in BLOGGER on the first try without running into duplicated account names.

So, what is a "rhamphorhynchus"?

It is a flying reptile living in the age of the dinosaurs, but it is in fact classified as a bird. It is very small, just two feet long and a wing span of 3 feet. The pronunciation is RAM-for-INK-us.