27 November, 2004

Sex and Moral

最近和朋友談論起性道德,當中自然一定會談到同性戀。同性戀的存在一向使我十分費解。若然你相信進化論的話,同性戀似乎很明顯是進化的死胡同。近年的同志 運動所引述的數據卻使我十分不明白,若然同性戀真的如他們宣稱的普遍,為什麼要到了近年才要為他們爭取「正常化」?不是應該老早就已經為大眾接納了嗎?



另外,一套有關 Alfred Kinsey 的電影已於美國上映,不知這影片所引發的討論會否如 Passion 熱烈?

The movie stresses how relentlessly nonjudgmental Kinsey was. But as the late evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould once wrote, Kinsey's absence of judgment was itself a form of judgment. Kinsey wrote: "What is right for one individual may be wrong for the next; and what is sin and abomination to one may be a worthwhile part of the next individual's life." That certainly defined Kinsey's own sexual demons out of existence, but it left the field of sexology with a taboo-breaking, anything-goes legacy.

有關 Alfred Kinsey

有人認為 Kinsey 的兩本報告是 60 年代性革命的主因﹝另一個主因是口服避孕丸的發明﹞.近年 RSVPAmerica 正致力於指出 Kinsey 報告的種種問題:

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